Escape game Team Building
Choose the perfect team building escape game
We offer on-site and digital, indoor or outdoor team building activities for 20 to 300 simultaneous participants. Our time-tested scenarios can be customized to your needs and brand image.
Our teams cover the whole French territory from their offices in Paris, Lyon, Lille and Bordeaux. They cannot wait to deploy their next game in your offices or at your next event location!
Team Building – What is it?
Team building is an activity designed to strengthen the team’s cohesiveness: forge deeper acquaintances, develop mutual understanding, increase collaboration, prevent conflicts, etc. Team building eventually capitalizes on collective intelligence and strengths at every scale of the company : project, department, subsidiary, enterprise.
A team building activity can be organized independently from other actions, just to rekindle the common flame ; or be integrated to a broader schedule such as a corporate seminar or an onboarding process.
What matters is bringing people together whether it is through playful moments (music, sports, cooking, etc.) or multiplayer games, like an escape game for instance.
Team building – The goals
Strenghten interpersonal relationships
Employees taking part in team building activities create collective anecdotes, talk informally about non work-related topics, can demonstrate skills or knowledge they do not get to use in their daily tasks, etc.
Sharing playful and entertaining experiences leads people to bond with each other.
Improve communication
A change of environment usually allows employees to forget about and bypass deadlocks. Often employing ice breakers, team building activities favour communication and open the door for conflict resolution within the team.
Boost motivation
A properly prepared team building activity inspires a sense of belonging to a team, a company, a mission. It foster employees’ engagement in the quest of achieving common objectives.
Spur creativity and collective intelligence
Setting oneself free from the day to day routines and indulging in a quirky, entertaining experience is a great way to lift creativity barriers. Team building activities encourage new ideas, brainstorming, creativity and innovation.
Our 4 game formats for team building activities
1. Digital Team Building
2. Giant Immersive Escape Game
3. Giant Packaged Escape Game
4. Nomad Escape Room
An innovative format able to simultaneously host online dozens, even hundreds of players. They are grouped into teams and immersed into a narrated universe inviting them to collaboratively solve riddles within a definite amount of time.
Collock built an extensive offer of greater scale escape games that can be delivered and deployed anywhere in France. Our high quality, life-sized decors transform our clients’ spaces into unrecognizable universes, brought to life by our professional Game Masters.
Offer your employees a unique and intense experience that can welcome from 20 to 250 simultaneous participants split into teams of 5 to 6.
3. Giant packaged escape game
We provide with ultra-light and easy to set up solutions which can host up to 200 simultaneous players, split into teams of 4 to 6 persons. The games are led by a trained, professional Game Master and can be deployed everywhere in France.
Likely closer to your representation of escape games, our 4 historical scenarios offer a wide diversity of compelling universes, ready to be brought to and to life by our expert Game Masters. Each room, carefully staged, welcomes 3 to 6 players per session.
Team Building – Make it a success!
Choisir LA bonne activité
Pas toujours facile de trouver la bonne idée qui plaira à tout le monde ! Chez Collock évidemment, on vous encourage à vous essayer à l’escape game, qui réunit collaboration en équipe, immersion dans une histoire prenante, et originalité des mécaniques de jeu.
La diversité des scénarios (attaque de hacker, voyage spatial, trésor de pirates…) et des formats (escape room, jeu géant, jeu virtuel…) promet une expérience unique à chaque fois !
Organiser un événement à son image
L’activité de team building sert non seulement la cohésion d’équipe mais aussi la marque employeur. La personnaliser avec les couleurs, l’image ou les valeurs de l’entreprise rendra l’événement plus mémorable encore !
Certains de nos format comme l’Inside Box sont personnalisables pour vous proposer une expérience véritablement unique !
S’affranchir des contraintes logistiques
Nous vous demanderons la date et le lieu de l’événement, le scénario qui vous intéresse, le nombre de participants… Et c’est tout !
Collock s’occupe d’amener le matériel de jeu, de l’installer, d’animer la session, et de ranger le matériel.
Pas de stress le jour J, on gère !
Recueillir les retours des participants
À l’issue de l’activité de team building, il est toujours bien de collecter les avis des salariés. Évaluer ce qui a plu ou moins plus au sein de l’équipe permet de faire encore mieux au prochain team building ! On pourra ainsi réitérer l’expérience si celle-ci a été positive (et elle le sera !), et tester d’autres aventures !
Collock’s perks
Double expertise
Collock brings to you the expertise of game design applied to our knowledge of HR and business challenges.
We co-develop our games in close collaboration with our clients to provide them with a perfectly fitting solution.
Collock’s games are 100% portable and can be deployed wherever you want by our Game Masters: in your offices, in your stores, at your events, etc.
Collock’s games are 100% portable and can be deployed wherever you want by our Game Masters: in your offices, in your stores, at your events, etc.