Schneider Electric – Escape game for change management
The retail division of Schneider Electric clarified and updated the presentation of the values constitutive of their DNA. Schneider Retail wants to promote this message worldwide to all the employees in order to impress and engage them.

Schneider Electric’s needs
- Reach the whole audience, worldwide
- Efficiently promote the company’s values
- Engage employees in the processus in order to enforce the changes on a daily basis

A custom-made digital serious game available in 15 languages

“Make yours the four elements of the company’s DNA to become the most competitive team in the world!”
(5-8 players per team)
game duration

The digital game is a very innovative format that made some noise internally and enabled to us lead great-scale change in a compelling way.
Ambroise de Boisriou, HR Vice-Director – Schneider Electric Retail Division